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30歳男.近医産婦人科で高度乏精子症と診断された.初診時検査では精子量0.1mL,精子濃度1.2×10^6/mL,精子運動率0%であった.画像検査では前立腺内部から膀胱後面に広がる嚢胞性病変を認めたが,右腎は後腹膜にも骨盤腔内にも認められず,膀胱鏡検査でも右尿管口を確認できなかった.両側精管造影および経尿道的嚢胞開窓術を行った.右尿管が同側射精管へ異所開口して嚢胞性変化をきたし,この嚢胞性病変が左射精管を圧迫することにより射精管部分閉塞に至ったと考えられた.術後3ヵ月目には,精液量5.0mL,精子濃度5×10^6/mL,運動率80%と著明な改善を認めたA 30-year-old man was referred to our hospital with a complaint of male infertility, presenting abnormal semen analysis (semen volume 0.1 ml, sperm concentration 1.2 x 10(6)/ml, sperm motility 0%). Radiological examinations demonstrated right renal agenesis and a cystic mass extending from the prostate to the posterior of the bladder. Our final diagnosis was obstruction of the ejaculatory duct secondary to right ectopic ureter associated with ipsilateral renal agenesis. The patient was treated by transurethral unroofing of the cyst. Three months after the surgery, the cystic mass disappeared and the seminal findings showed marked improvement.
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