Metanephric adenoma in a 59-year-old female : a case report
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56歳女性.患者はC型肝炎精査中のCTにて左腎腫瘍を指摘され,著者らの施設へ受診となった.検尿所見は異常なく,血算生化学検査ではALT,ALPが軽度高値を示していた.画像診断より左腎細胞癌と診断し経腹膜的左腎摘出術を施行したところ,腫瘍割面は黄白色で,腫瘍径は4×4×3cm,病理組織診断ではH-E染色にて弱拡にて被膜を有さない境界明瞭な腫瘍であり,小管状構造からなり角は均一であった.一方,免疫染色ではLeu-7,ビメンチンで陽性であった.以上のことから,最終的に本症例は後腎性腺腫と診断.術後は経過良好であり,現在までに再発や,転移は認められていないWe report a case of metanephric adenoma in a 59-year-old female. The tumor was incidentally detected on computed tomography (CT) and ultrasound (US), and diagnosed as left renal cell carcinoma by radiological examination. Left nephrectomy was performed. The tumor measuring 4 x 3 x 3 cm had a clear margin and was encapslated with thick fibrous tissue. The cut surface was yellow-white and the boundary of renal parenchyma was clear. Histopathologically, the tumor showed a characteristic composition of small uniform cells with regular nuclei that formed a tubular pattern. Immunohistologically, they were positive for Leu-7 and vimentin. Pathological diagnosis was metanephric adenoma. We discuss the radiological findings of metanephric adenoma.
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