泌尿器腫瘍と酵素-3-尿路***腫瘍組織LDH,ALP,LAP,TAP,PAP活性およびLDH isozymesについて
- 論文の詳細を見る
LDH, ALP, LAP and ACP activities and LDH isozymes of v arious neoplastic tissues were determined on the specimens operatively obtained at the Department of Urology of Hiroshima University Hospital. The results are summarized as follows. (1) LDH activity showed high levels in the neop l a stic area, although the values had wide range of variation in general, However the activity decreased in accordance with the progress in course of the diseases or grade of malignity. (2) LDH isozymes pattern demon s trated increases of the M-type and the III-fraction in advanced cases of bladder neoplasms. (3) ALP activity sho w ed high values in many cases of renal neoplasms. No direct correlation was encountered between the activity and progress of the diseases. (4) LAP activity was low in renal neoplasms and high in b l a dder neoplasms. In particular the activity increased with progress of the diseases in bladder neoplasms. (5) TAP activity was low in renal neoplasms and high in bla d der neoplasms.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
泌尿器科紀要刊行会 | 論文
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