両側完全重複腎盂尿管に合併せる巨大尿管の1例 --尿膜管炎症性肉芽腫および尿膜管性膀胱憩室結石--
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A case of right megaloureter with complete duplication of the bilateral ureters noted in a 24-year-old female was presented. The patient visited o ur hospital with complaints of pass of cloudy urine, pain during the urination and recurrent fever. A diagnosis was mad e by cystoscopy and V-U reflux which was seen at the voiding cystourethrogram. She was successfully operated on heminephrectomy and ureterectomy. The literatures were briefly reviewed and pathogenesis o f the megaloureter was discussed.
論文 | ランダム
- 西ドイツ刑事判例研究-13-
- 西ドイツ刑事判例研究-6-
- メディカルマーケットリサーチ--現状と展望(最終回)リサーチャーズ・ディスカッション(後編)
- メディカルマーケットリサーチ--現状と展望(第12部)リサーチャーズ・ディスカッション(前編)
- 中世史部会 (1999年度歴史学研究会大会報告批判)