RI-Renogramの定量的分析に関する研究 第1編: 131I-HippuranRenogramに関する基礎理論と生理学的考察
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I. A radioisotope renogram rapidly reflects the changing p attern of plasma isotope-carrier (131I-Hippuran) concentration, dynamic "effective" volume of its distribution in body fluids, and principally its accumulation in renal area and output therefrom. 1. Diffusion and accumulation processes are given as Irpg(t)C,(0o=(/(-R-SPtF)Rd-(RPF)L)C2,(t)d(1t ) where I: injected isotope, Cp(t) : its plasma concentration, Vpo(t): distribution space, RPF: effective rena l plasma flow. 2. Excretion process is given as VwCui(t)=S:C(RPF)tCp(it=).Ro FrL iC u,(0)dt, (2) where 172,4: equivalent volume of urinary tract, : urine flow rate, CvA: urinary con centration. 3. Urinary excre t i on e(t) is given as e(t)=eR (t)+ei(t) ft et(t)=Jo FtCui.(t dt(3) where Ti : transportation lag. 4. Renogram record r t ( t) is given as r i (t)=ko[(jRPF)iC.2,(Stt)FditC ut(t.Ti)dt+(Back(g4r)o und)tj where k: a proportional constant. 5. Background will b e given as (Ba ckground)t=b,. Vp o(t)C2,(t) (5) 1160 中川=RI-Renogramの定量的分析に関する研究第1編 where bi: proportional constant II. The distribution space of 131I-Hippuran. 1) The volume of the blood and body tissues contaminated by 131I-Hippuran by single injection was measured according to the following formula. Trep(t) I. Ce(t + T ) D(t) 2) Table 1 and Fig. 1 show the distribution space measured with a patient of uterine cancer with renal damage and a normal subject. 3) This values of the distribution spa c e was adopted as the fundamental quality which is assumed to be independent of the renal functions and decides CC(t) in equation (1). 4) However, further investigations are necessary to decide whether the dist r i bution space V.(t) is completely independent of personal conditions of individual patients e. g. blood c irculation disturbance, renal function disturbance, etc. III. The renal extraction ratio of 131I-Hip p uran. 1) Renal extraction ratios of 131 I -Hippuran and PAH were compared by means of the venous canulation technique (Fig. 3) with 19 mongolian dogs. (a) The extraction ratio of RISA administered by si n gle intravenous injection, which was 0.00 as is shown in Table 2 (Dog No. 1), confirmed that this technique could not significantly affect the renal circulation. (b) With si n gle injection of 131I-Hippuran (Dogs No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), the plamsa extraction ratio decreased with the lapse of time (Tables 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and Fig. 5). (c) With single injection of PAH (Dogs No. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ) , no significant change could be observed in the plasma extraction ratio with the lapse of time. (d) With continuous injection of 131I-Hippuran (Dogs No. 13, 1 4 , 15, 16), the plasma extraction ratio showed no change with the lapse of time. (Tables 14, 15, 16, 17 and Fig. 8). (e) With continuous injection of PAH (Dogs No. 17, 18, 19), no change could be obse r v ed in the plasma extraction ratio (Tables 18, 19, 20 and Fig. 9). 2) According to true RPF=Cx/Ex (Cx : renal clearanc e of PAH or 131I-Hippuran, Es: extraction tatio of PAH or 131I-Hippuran), effective RPF (CI-Hippuran)by single injection (131I-Hippuran by single injection is used in RI-renography) was confirmed to decrea se with the lapse of time, while eff. RPF (C.PAR) by single injection showed no change with the lapse of time. 3) The change of the extraction ratio of 131I-Hippuran with the lapse of time is thought to be accounted for either by the existence of free iodine in 131I-Hippuran or by the penetration of 131I-Hippuran from the plasma into the red blood cell. However, further investigation seem to need on this fact.
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