尿路結核知見補遺 第2報: 予後
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Prognosis of 236 patients of renal tuberculosis was determined. Analysis was restricted to patients admitted to the urological clinic, Tohoku University Hospital, during the five year period from April, 1959 to March, 1964 and discharged more than one year ago. 1) Correspondence rate. Two handred and thirty-four out of 236 cases were communicated with : The correspondence rate was 99.2 %. 2) Prognosis of subjects. Utterly healed, 169 cases (72 %). Healthy, 45 cases (19 %). Light labor, possible, 6 cases (3 %). Under treatment, 5 cases (2 %). Dead, 9 cases (4 %). The cure rate was 91 %. 3) Analysis of dea d cases. Five deaths of 9 dead cases were due to recidival urinary tract tuberculosis. Other 4 deaths were of non-tuberculous origin. 4) Annual prognosis. Nearly constant cure rate was obtained during these 5 years : 93 % in 1959, 90 % in 1960, 85 % in 1961, 90 % in 1962 and 98 % in 1963. 5) Age concerned prognosis. The cure rates were 100 % in th e second decade, 95 % in the third decade, 92% in the forth decade 90% in the fifth decade, 81% in the sixth decade and 89% in the cases of more than 60 of age. The prognosis was generally worse in middle and old ages than in younger ages. 6) Prognosis and pyelogram . Group 0 had the highest cure rate, 98 '5'6 and was followed by group I, 97 %, group II, 84 % and group III, 36 %. The cure rate was zero in group IV. Since the slighter the lesion on the pyelogram, the better the prognosis was, the importance of the treatment within an initial stage of the disease was impressive. 7) Prognosis and therapeutic procedures. Hundred per c e nt cure rate was produced with segmental nephrectomy or speleotomy combined with chemotherapy, 95 % with nephrectomy combined with chemotherapy, 90 % with chemotherapy alone and 60 % with vesicoplastic procedures combined with chemotherapy. Prudence seemed to bec o me more essential to choose a correct surgical procedure.
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