副***分泌液の糖蛋白に関する研究 第1編: 前立腺分泌液のムコ蛋白と各種ホルモンによる影響
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Using the Huggins' dog, prostatic fluid was collected w i th pilocarpine-HC1 stimulating method and change of mucoprotein of the fluid was investigated after administraton of various hormones. 1) D e termination of mucoprotein was performed by Winzler's tyrosin method. Mucoprotein content of normal prostatic fluid showed a wide range between 0.16 to 0.84 mg/d1. 2) Administration of testosterone propionate, HCG, PMS, Gonastsron (androgen+ gonadotrophin), ACTH, hydrocorticosterone acetate and chlorotestosterone acetate resulted an increase in mucoprotein content of the prostatic fluid. There was no correlation, however, between the increase of mucoprotein content and the doses of testosterone propionate given, which was tried at the dosage of 5, 10 and 20 mg daily. 3) During administration of estradiol benzoate and a mixture of testosterone propionate and estradiol benzoate at the ratio of 20 to 1, mucoprotein content showed a decrease, which suddenly recognized with such administration and was not returned to the pre-treatment level after cessation of the female sexnal hormone. 4) No noticeable change in mucoprotein content was seen with administration of prolactin, thyriod hormone and anti-thyroid agents.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
泌尿器科紀要刊行会 | 論文
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