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1) The changes of the respiration and succinic oxydase a ctivity of the testicles were observed in normal rats in the process of growth. Oxygen uptake showed two peaks du ring the 5 th and 12 th weeks after birth. The activity of succinic oxydase showed a peak d uring the 7th week. 2) I n cases where the various amino-acids of TCA-cycle were added as substrates, Q02 showed higher level with addition of succinic acid and citric acid, and lower level w i th fumaric acid. When ATP was added as coenzyme, the level of Q02 was lower w ith succinic acid and citric acid, and was higher with fumaric acid. 3) In cases when gonadotropic hormones (PMS, HCG) were added to the testicular tissues in vitro, their Q02 and succinic oxydase activity were not altered to that o f control groups, or even were supressed w ith addition of high units of the hormones. 4) The level of testicular Q02 in rats treated with PMS and w ith HCG during their growth showed a peak during the 7th week and the 6th week respectively. However , in both instances, the Q02 level became lower than control group after 8 week which main tained subsequently. 5) I n the testicles of hypophysectomized rats, the activities of succinic oxydase were distinctly higher than those of normal rats. In the hypophysectomized rats treated w ith gonadotropic hormone the Q02 with succinic acid were also higher than those of nor m al rats. 6) In normal rats given electric convulsion shocks Q02 in both with and without succinic acid as substrate showed a tendency of rise with the frequency of electric convulsi on shock. In the groups given daily electric convulsion shocks the both levels showed a tendency of decrease day by day. 7) In the testicles of exp e r i mental alloxan diabetic rats, Q02 with and without succinic acid showed a daily increase. When these animals were treated with insulin injectio ns the both levels showed intermediate values between normal and diabetic groups. 8) The young rats treated with parotic hormone and L-triiodo t h y ronine showed no effect on Q02 in both of with and without succinic acid. 9) The Q02 levels of 4 human testicles witho u t substrate varied in a narrow range. The activity of succinic oxydase in 3 senile cases of prostatic cancer showed higher v alues • than that of in a young case of tuberculous epididymitis .
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
泌尿器科紀要刊行会 | 論文
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