ワインから苦い薬草へ ―「教授の家」試論 その1―
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Janis Stout, a Cather scholar refers to The Professor’s House(1925) as one of "dark trio" that Catherproduced in 1920's. Stout finds in these works "brokenness" and "disjuncture" which characterizean important aspect of modernity. The present essay, while indebted to many Cather scholars, aims toclarify what will follow under the influence of philosophers including Heidegger, Derrida and Bashelard,geographers, Yi-Fu Tuan and Edward Relph, and a specialist of myth and religion, Mircea Eliade: myaim is, first, to trace the causes that brought about rift and discontinuity in Cather's works and compare ALost Lady and The Professor’s House in terms of theme, tone and representation of places and characters;second, to analyze, by employing Derrida's view of mourning and memorization of the dead, a modeby which characters in the novel memorize and possess Tom; third, by making use of Heidegger's viewof death, to explore the nature of acceptance of death that St. Peter achieves after a suicidal accident.Idiscuss how the unconscious helps the protagonist to get ready to move from "the house of wine" (Tomand the aesthetic world) to "the house of bitter herbs" (Augusta and the house of ultimate possibility thatembraces death); fourth, to discuss the significance of Peter's childhood reverie with special reference toBashelard's La Poetique de la Reverie and La Poetique de L'Espace; fifth, to clarify the crucial importanceof place in the novel with the help of insightful phenomenological approach to place and space made by thegeographers, Tuan and Relph.
- 2010-03-16
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