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The present study represents an attempt to determine the stability of children's sociometric choice-rejection status scores and to investigate some characteristic differences in choice behavior between the consistently high status group(C. H.)and the consistently low status group (C. L.) through the sociometric retests spaced at several intervals. The sociometric criterion situations employed were in the area of cleaning duties of the classroom and the playground. Children, in the first, second, fourth and sixth grade levels, of fourteen public elementary school classrooms served as Ss on six or seven different occasions. Product-moment correlation coefficients were calculated to evaluate the stability of the sociometric status scores obtained on the several testings. An analysis and comparison of the data revealed the following findings : (1) All of the stability coefficients were statistically significant at least beyond the .05 level, most of them being beyond the .01 level. The obtained results suggest that there is a high deree of stability in the sociometric status position as shown in expressed preferences for cleaning duty companions even in the lst-grade children as a group, and that the stability in the 4th- and 6th-graders is consistently higher than that in the 1st- and 2nd-grade children. The 4th-grade children were found to reach the same level of sociometric stability as that of the 6th-graders. (Tables 3 to 22) (2) In general, the sociometric stability was recognized to decrease as the time interval between test and retest increased, and this trend was most clear-cut in the second-graders. (Table 21 and Table 22) (3) It is suggested, as far as the 2nd-grade children of our sample are concerned, that the stability obtained at a later occasion after the classroom groups were organized is higher, even over the same period, than that obtained at an earlier stage of group formation. (Table 21) (4) Generally speaking, the C. H. group was found to give a greater number of choices to other members of the classroom in three sociometric testings than the C. L. group. (Table 23 and Table 24) (5) The C. L. group was revealed to give significantly more rejections to other members of the classroom than the C. H. group, and there is a defenite developmental tendency for the rejections given by the C. H. group to decrease. (Table 25 and Table 26) (6) The C. H. group was found to enjoy more mutual choices than the C. L. group, and there is a definite developmental tendency for the mutual choices enjoyed by the C. H. group to increase. This resulted in the increase of the magnitude of the difference found between these two groups. (Table 27 and Table 28)
- 奈良学芸大学の論文
奈良学芸大学 | 論文
- 聖語蔵御本成実論巻十八天長五年点について
- 聖語蔵印本成実論巻13天長5年点訳文稿
- 返読字の成立について--漢文訓読史研究の一
- 幼児の逆転学習におよぼす過剰訓練と報酬量の影響
- 反応反復におよぼす言語強化の影響