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Mucilaginous substances were prepared from Dioscorea batatas DEONE. fo. tsukune MAKINO and the properties varied slightly depending on the employed precipitants, ethyl alcohol, hydrochloric acid, or acetic acid. Though it contained as much as 5.7% K, it did not readily go into solution in aqueous medium, and 0.4% K still remained even in acidic medium without passing into solution. The mucilage from hydrochloric acid formed a viscous solution with alkali. Taking together some evidence suggesting the presence of anthocyans, it was infered that the potassium might be bound with anthocyans. Besides potassium, there were detected some minerals (sulfur, calcium and phosphorus), some sugars (glucose and galactose), uronic acid, and some amino-acids (Val, Gul, Arg, Asp, Pro, Ser, Met, Ala, and Gly). Determinations were also made on the component elements, the contained ash, and the amounts of the anthrone-test positive or the Somogyi-Nelson-test positive substances.
- 奈良学芸大学の論文
奈良学芸大学 | 論文
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- 返読字の成立について--漢文訓読史研究の一
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