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There have been relatively few studies concerned with the stability of children's sociometric status from the developmental standpoint. The present study represents an attempt to determine the developmental trend, if any, of the stability coefficients of children's sociometric choice-rejection status scores. Ss were kindergarten children, and boys and girls from grades 1 through 9. All of the 35 classes (1406 pupils in all) were located in public schools in Yamato-Takada and Nara. Sociometric test with the same criterion situation of cleaning duty was repeated five times a year (May, June, September, November and February), and product-moment correlation coefficients were calculated to evaluate the stability of the sociometric status scores obtained on the five testings. Sociometric status was determined by choice-rejection status scores (CRS) based on three-limit choice and rejection. An analysis was also attempted about the difference between stability coefficients obtained with the sociometric criterion situation of study companion and those with the criterion situation of cleaning-duty companion. Main findings on the basis of the obtained data are as follows: 1) All of the stability coefficients were statistically significant at least beyond the.01 level. The obtained results suggest that there is a high degree of stability in the sociometric status position as shown in expressed preferences for cleaning-duty companions. In general, as the grade level increased, the stability coefficients, too, increased significantly up to the 5th and 6th grades. (Table 1 and Figure 1) 2) Stability coefficients obtained for junior-high school pupils were significantly lower than those obtained for the 5th- and 6th-graders of the elementary school. (Figure 1, and Table 2-Table 9) 3) It was suggested that there were roughly two different patterns, for five test-retest intervals, of the developmental trend in the stability of sociometric status position. (Figure 1 and Table 1) 4) There were some indications that stability of the sociometric status position among 8th-graders varied from one choice criterion situation to another, but, as far as these two criteria (study companion and cleaning-duty companion) are concerned, there existed no definite differences between the stability coefficients based on them. (Table 10) Discussion of the results leads to the tentative conclusion that there is a definite developmental trend in the stability of the sociometric status position among elementary and junior-high school pupils which shows a rise, though not sharp, up to the 5th and 6th grades and a fall thereafter. Need for further research on the trend at the senior-high school and college level is keenly felt.
- 奈良学芸大学の論文
奈良学芸大学 | 論文
- 聖語蔵御本成実論巻十八天長五年点について
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