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Statistical observations were made on 124 clinical cases t o whom pneumoretroperitoneum was performed and on 69 clinical cases to whom pneumoretroperitoneum was used together with tomography. Measurements of adrenal shadow obtained from the above roentgenographic studies were also attempted ; 1. A shadow of the projected adrenal wa s best obtained at 5-7 cm. from the back. Their configurations were more like triangular and the length of the projection to the vertebrae was 1.1-3.0 cm. 2. Area of the s hadows in most cases was 0.5-2.5 square centimeters with the average area of 1.09±0.03 square centimeters for the left and 1.01±0.02 square centimeter for the centimeters for the right. The area was not correlated with body length and weight. 3. The site of projection of the adrenals was the level of the twelveth th o racic vertebra. 4 It is possible to evaluate adrenal function to a certain extent with the above mentioned results.
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