泌尿器科領域におけるポーラログラフ的研究 第1篇: ポーラログラフ的血清反応について
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Polarographic studies on various pathological co n dition in urogenital organs have been made by the author since 1956. The Brdicka's polarographic serum reaction has been clinically applied as one of the methods making a differential diagnosis for carcinoma, though it can not be considered to be a specific reaction only for cancer. In this Report 1, at first, many previous articles describing the mecha n ism of occurrence of the polarographic protein wave and the significances of the first and second waves and clinical significances of the filtrate and digest tests have been reviewed. Since the basic problems, however, on the mechanism of occurrence of the protein wave have not yet been settled, it is not easy to appreciate each phenomenon exactly which appears in the reaction. Consquently, when it is tried to apply the polarographic serum reaction to a clinical examination, a limitation ofclinical use should always be taken into considerations. T h e results of polarographic experiments on various pathological condition in urogenital organs will be shown in Report 2, and the relationship between those data and other clinical examinations will be described in Report 3.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
泌尿器科紀要刊行会 | 論文
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