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Among 950 patients who were admitted in the dep a rtment of urology, Osaka University, 192 patients (20.2%) has hypertension. The 192 cases are divided i n to three groups, that is postrenal, renal and prerenal in the order of frequency. Histo-patho l ogical study on the intrarenal vascular system was made in AOc ases of the hypertension. T h e study revealed the benigne nephrosclerotic change which mainly consisted of lesions of arteriolei and glommeruli ; in a few cases, however, it showed the malignant nephrosclerosis. In summary, his studies have revealed an evidence that renal diseases lead to hypertension, in most cases, in such a way as they only induce, increase or fix hypertension although in some cases they play a main role. The fact regrises reevaluation of treatments of urological case with hypertension.
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