尿石症と自律神経機能 第III篇:尿石患者の血清ChE値について
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In this paper, the author deals with the observatio n s made on the activity of serum Cholinesterase (abbreviated to ChE) level in urolithiasis. The activity of serum ChE level was estimated on 15 urolithiasis (male : 12, female : 3, ages : 22-45, renal stone 5, ureteral stone 9, renoureteral stone 1) and 20 healthy persons (male : 8, female : 12, ages : 18-35), 12 urogenital tuberculosis (male : 8, female : 4, ages : 23-37, renal tuberculosis patients 10, tuberculous epididymytis 2) 15 non stone formating urological patients (male 12, female : 3, ages : 27,-72, bladder tumor 5, prostatic hypertrophy 5, hydronephrosis 2, essential haematuria 3) as the controle group by means of modified Michel's method. The results were as follows: 1) The activity of se r um ChE in healthy persons varied from 0.78 to 1.31 and had an average value of 1.06±0.13. 2) In the cas e of urolithisis, the serum ChE activity level varied from 0.48 to 1.25 and had an average value of 0.87±0.22. It was normal in 46.7% of the patients and was extremely low (less than 0.60) in 13.3% of the patients. In the urogenital tuberculosis, the serum ChE activity level varied from 0.32 to 1.41 and had an average value of 0.98± 0.28. It was normal in 66.7%. In the non stone formating urological patients, the activity of serum ChE level varied from 0.68 to 1.15 and had an average value of 0.97±0.16. It was normal in 73.3%. 3) Three w eeks after removal of the stone or affected kidney, the activity of the serum ChE in urolithiasis varied from 0.56 to 1.28 and had an average value of 0.93±0.21. It was normal 53.3% of the patients and extremely low in 6.7% of the patients. In urolithiasis, postoperative activity of the serum ChE was increased but was yet lower than in healty adults. The activity of the serum ChE in urogenital tuberculosis varied from 0.62 to 1.34 and had an average value of 1.01±0.18. In the non stone formating urological patients, the activity of the serum ChE varied from 0.52 to 1.18 and had a-) average value 0.96±0.14. 4) When adrenaline was injected, the activity of serum ChE level tended to increase in slight degree both before and after operation, on the other hand, the injection of pilo carpine tended to decrease moderatly in activity of serum ChE level. According to the above results, the following conclusions may be drawn. The rise and fall in the activity of serum ChE have some relation to the function of the autonomous nervous system and in urolithiasis the activity of serum ChE was in lower level. It may be concluded that urinary stone formating patients is many cases in the state of hypertonia of parasympathetic nervous system with activity of serum ChE level. This suggests that neurovegetative function have important bearing on the pathogenesis of the urinary calculi.
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