尿路結核に関する研究 第III篇:化学療法開始後の尿路結核の変貌
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The chemotherapy of urinary tuberculosis h ave been carried out for these several years and the transition of clinical aspect were found in urinary tuberculosis. The following results were obtained in the examination of 855 cases of urinary tuberculosis. Number of ur i n ary tuberculosis descreased every year. Of the sex, the affected side, and the age no remarkable transition were found. Of the findings of the bladder the foci declined to slight degree. Cases which had slight unspecial findings in the bladder and were kidney alone affected increased strikingly. These cases had atypic symptoms compared with the other typical cases. Except the cases given chemotherapy number of the cases which the bladder was slightly affected were more increased than ever. Generaly speaking the chemotherapy gave the direct o r indirect effect to the clinical aspect of the urinary tuberculosis.