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Pneulnoretroperitoneumにより確診し得た腎周囲炎の7例を報告した・本法は,泌尿器科的「レ」線診断学上の一進歩というべきである・更に腎孟撮影法や腎血管撮影法との併用254 杉山・菅原一Pneumoretroperitoneumによる腎周囲炎の診断で,診断的価値が大となる・且っ他臨床所見とり総合的判断によれば,腎周囲炎の診断は一層容易になると思う・We applied pneumoretroperitoneum to diagnosis of the perinephritis and the following results were obtained (air is used as injected gas). 1) When productive changes of perirenal connective tissues, some abscess and adhesion to perirenal tissues existed, we found disappearance of obscurity of nephrogram and M. psoas edges on account of insufficient filling of the air to its side. 2) We could observe limitation or disappearance of the ascending and motionlimit of kidney and diaphragma by watching the film (image) at the moments of deep inspiration and expiration. 3) When strong adhesion to perirenal tissues existed, filling and diffusion of injected gas into the retroperitoneal cavity could not be rapidly perfomed. In such cases, we photographed about 24 hours after gas injection. Thus we can procure a better picture. Diagnostic effect of this method is increased by combination with pyelography and angiography of kidney. Furthermore, we are enabled to 'diagnosis better perinephritis by synethetic judgement with other clincal findings.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
泌尿器科紀要刊行会 | 論文
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