尿路カンジダ症の臨床並びに實験的研究 (1)臨牀篇
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拡生物質及びサルフア剤の投与によって発生又は増悪した尿路カンジダ症4例1摂護腺炎並び後部尿道炎2例,前部尿道炎1例,膀胱炎1例)に就て報告した・又内2例はトリコマイシン液の局所投与によつて完全に治癒せしめ得た.Four cases of the urinary candidiasis (2 of prostatitis, every one of anterior urethritis, cystitis) caused following the administrations of the various antibiotics were reported. Yeastlike fungi isolated from the urines, excretions of the urethras or the prostates of these cases were candida albicans in 2 cases, cand. parakrusei in one and another one could not be determined in any specifis, though we could certify it a sort of candida. Antibiotics associated with the diseases were penicillin in 2, streptomycin, penicillin and streptomycin, penicillin, sulfathiazol in every one. Concerning the symptoms, dysuria, pollakisuria, mictionspains, retentions of urine were complained. Cystoscopy and urethroscopy revealed pseudomembrane on the affected mucosa, from which a large number of spores of candida finded out microscopically. Administrations of kalium jodi, and irrigations of protargol on the affected lesions were effective in 2 of them. Local treatment of trichomycin solutions proved effective where these measures failed.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
泌尿器科紀要刊行会 | 論文
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