<実践報告>「実践 : 日本語教育I&II 2007」企画実施報告. 1 : I. ボランティア日本語教師養成講座「実践日本語教育シンポジウム」 (07.9.1.) II. 「夏休みの宿題の助っ人 : 留学生の母語による学習支援」 (07.8.22./8.23.)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Practical Japanese Language Teaching Sessions I & II were delivered by the Center for International Education and Research (CIER) in August and September, 2007. The program was planned and delivered through a grant from the FY 2007 Mie University International Exchange Fund. This Report focuses on the “Practical Japanese Language Teaching Session I” symposium held in the media hall of Mie University on September 1, 2007. “Practical Japanese Language Teaching II” will be reported in the next bulletin. The improvement of speaking skills was the theme of this symposium. One learner from Suzuka International University and two from Mie University, as well as a L 1 user from Matsuzaka Board of Education discussed what kinds of teaching improved their speaking skills and how they had acquired their present level. Following that, a lecture was given by Professor Yoshikazu Kawaguchi, Waseda University Graduate School of Japanese Applied Linguistics, on the theme, “Understanding Japanese Language Teaching - A Comprehensive Introduction to Class Activities to Improve the Japanese Language Ability of Foreign Students in an Interactive Atmosphere.” Finally, a model class was presented for eight second language learners who were studying Japanese in the latter part of their beginners' or intermediate course at the CIER. The symposium was enjoyed by all participants who reported that they were able to acquire new teaching techniques that would enhance their daily teaching.
- 2008-03-26
論文 | ランダム
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