イオンビーム照射によるカーボン系材料の高機能化を目指して─ 中田穣治研究室10 年の歩み ─
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The Nakata Jyoji Laboratory was first established in Kanagawa University about ten years ago. In this review, we look back on the history and progress of this laboratory. The authors have been engaged in various ion implantation processes in to Si semiconductors, using mainly MeV-ion-beam irradiation, at NTT LSI and Basic Research Labs. The IBIEC (Ion-Beam-Induced Epitaxial Crystallization) process is one of the most prominent achievements, developed in these laboratories. Since joining Kanagawa University (K.U.), we have tried to apply this IBIEC process to electrical activation of dopant-ion-implanted diamond semiconductors. We also the review progress of Nakata Jyoji Lab. in K. U. during the past ten years. Almost posficular experimental apparatus, such as medium- current ion-implanter of peculiar specification, Pelletron-type MeV-ion-beam accelerator, STM and XPS apparatus, Hall-Effect measurement equipment, Raman-Spectrum spectroscopy device, RHEED, PL and EL apparatus has been established and used in this laboratory. We have recently proposed patent of fabricating chirality-controlled CNT formation method, utilizing ion implantation of catalytic metal ions into insulating film on the crystalline substrate structure.
- 2009-10-20
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- イオンビーム照射によるカーボン系材料の高機能化を目指して─ 中田穣治研究室10 年の歩み ─
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