受験準備教育機関としての旧制中学校の補習科 : 東京府立中学校を事例として
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論文Supplementary courses (Hoshu-ka) of middle schools served as examination preparatory organizations of higher schools before the WW II. These supplementary courses were prescribed in 1899 by lmperial Ordinance relating to Middle School and the details by the Regulations for carrying out Imperial Ordinance relating to Middle School Supplementary courses were not installed in all schools, and compared with core courses they didn't have detailed rules. This makes the supplementary courses remain nearly uninvestigated. This article focuses on the supplementary courses of Tokyo Prefectural Middle Schools that received high assessment among the educational joumalism. In the revision of Tokyo Prefectural Middle School Regulations of 1902, there was an argument over positioning of supplementary courses. Supplementary courses were evaluated as examination preparatory organizations in the argument definitely and the character didn't change after wards in Tokyo prefecture. The supplementary courses of Tokyo Prefectural Middle Schools gathered around 150 students from their establishment. They served lectures for three months, but movement of extension was already seen in the Meiji era, and a study period became 1 year in the former half of the Taisho era. In 1920s when high school entrance examinations were held in March, the supplementary courses developed especially in Tokyo Prefectural First Middle School and Tokyo Prefectural Fourth Middle School, In Tokyo Prefectural First Middle School several hundred applicants gathered and they were screened for the entry to the supplementary course. But in 1930s the prefectural authorities moved for the abolition of supplementary courses by not allocating a budget from 1930 and the supplementary courses disappeared from Tokyo Prefectural Middle School Regulations in 1935. Before this interference the supplementary course of Tokyo Prefectural First Middle School abolished in a document in 1930. But actually the supplementary course was retained and it gathered more students than it used to be. Tokyo Prefectural Fourth Middle School established Johoku-Koto-Hoshugakko outside the school and made up for the supplementary course.
- 慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科の論文
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科 | 論文
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