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論文ln post-war Japan, many people who had studied specially about Japanese religion/folklore had firm belief that there had been the faith or heart of the Japanese which would never change eternally. Of what kind of genealogy of thought, had such belief been derived ? This paper aims to givean answer to this question by analyzing "Gorai Shigeru's" Folklore as a typical discourse which represents such belief, and to think reflexively the nature of religion /folklore studies in post-war Japan. Although "Gorai Shigeru" had learned much from "Yanagita Kunio"'s Folklore, their discourses on the faith of the Japanese are so different from each other. "Gorai"'s thought about Japanese religion was prescribed by the epistemology of the theory about national morals which had been so popular in the academic world in pre-war Japan, and the theory about Japanese Spirits constructed by "Kihira Tadayoshi". Researches which explore the relations between educations or thoughts in pre-war Japan and religion/folklore studies in post-war Japan are very little until now. This paper tries experimentally to go on such research, based on a totally new hypothesis, so its purpose is especially issue-provoking one.
- 哲学から体験へ : 近角常観の宗教思想
- 近代真宗の体験主義 : 近角常観とその信徒たちの信仰(近角常観とその時代,パネル,第六十八回学術大会紀要)
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- 仏教民俗学の思想 : 五来重について
- 宮沢賢治と近角常観―宮沢一族書簡の翻刻と解題
- 国内 現代日本「宗教」情報の氾濫--新宗教・パワースポット・葬儀・仏像に関する情報ブームに注目して (2010年の宗教動向(2009年10月〜2010年9月))
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- 「新しい葬儀」という言説 : 自然葬から直葬まで(メディア報道と現代宗教研究-RIRC宗教記事DBの可能性-,パネル,第六十九回学術大会紀要)
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- 国民道徳論の残存--五来重の民俗学を例に
- 新刊紹介 福嶋寛隆著 歴史のなかの真宗--自律から従属へ
- 竹田聴洲の仏教論(第十部会,第六十七回学術大会紀要)
- 竹田聴洲の仏教論 (第六十七回[日本宗教学会]学術大会紀要特集) -- (第十部会)
- 仏の語り方の近代 : 近角常観を中心として(新しい近代日本仏教研究へ-自他認識・国民国家・社会参加-,パネル,第七十回学術大会紀要)
- 人格の仏教 : 近角常観と明治後期・大正期の宗教言説
- 震災以後の宗教情報 : メディア報道/論説の内容と分析 (特集 大災害と文明の転換)
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- 戦後日本仏教と民俗学 : 五来重の場合(戦後の日本仏教諭 : 諸学説の再検討,パネル,研究報告,第七十一回学術大会)