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本研究は大学生ストリートダンサーにおける障害の発生状況およびその特性を調査し,身体特性との関係を検討することを目的とした。その結果,大学入学後にケガ経験のある者は45名中26名(57.7%)であり,足関節部位の筋肉の損傷が最も多いことが認められた。対象をケガ有り群とケガ無し群とに分け比較したところ,ケガ有り群は下肢,上肢および体幹部の筋肉量,長座体前屈,反復横跳びにおいてケガ無し群よりも有意に高い値を示した。また, Breakと他ジャンルとに分け比較をしたところ,Breakは下肢の筋肉量,長座体前屈および反復横跳びにおいて他ジャンルよりも有意に高い値を示した。 以上の結果より,大学生ストリートダンサーのケガ発生と身体特性との関連は少なからず認められ,その形態においてはジャンルの特性が関与していることが示唆された。The purpose of this study was to examine the relations with some faculties of physical, researching for some occasion and characteristics injured in street-dancers student. As a result, after being admitted to a university, the dancers who had been injured was 57.7%(26/45). It was showed that it was the highest in joints of foot injured. Compared the injured dancers with no-injured dancers, it significantly showed that the injured dancers was higher than no-injured dancers in the upper limbs, the lower limbs, muscle, the sitting trunk flexion, and side-step. Compared BREAK with other kinds of dancing, it significantly showed that BREAK was higher than other kinds of dancing in muscle of lower limbs, the sitting trunk flexion, and side-step. In conclusion, it showed the relationships between some occasion injured and characteristics injured in street-dancers student. It was suggested that they were other kinds characteristics of dancing.
- 2010-02-26
論文 | ランダム
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