Sex Education Needs of School Children, Parents and Teachers
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The purpose of this study was to examine sexual interests of school children and opinions of their parents and teachers on the content of sex education in elementary schools. The main results of the questionnaires were: (1) The sexual interests of the children changed with age; As they get more age, they become more interested in the birth of a baby and the genitals, while less interested in excretion; A much interest in physiological changes in puberty was found only in the children at the upper grades: (2) The majority of the parents and teachers were found to want their children to learn about dignity of life and physical growth; Among them, those who have younger children have emphasized, furthermore, the necessity of social manners, parent-child bond, and sexual banter, while those who have older children emphasized cooperation between boys and girls, structure and function of the genitals, and prevention of being sexually victimized.本研究は,小学生の性意識および性教育に関して,親と教師の意見の調査結果について述べたものである。その結果は次の様に概括される。(1)子どもの性的事項についての関心は年令と共に変化する。即ち出産や***に対する関心は年令が高くなるとともに増加し,排泄への関心は逆に減少する。そして,高学年になると第二次性徴への関心が強まる。(2)親と教師の大半は,性教育を通して子どもが生命の尊厳と成長について正しい理解を形成するよう期待している。年長児の親と教師は特に男女交際と性的被害の防止を強調している。
- 1983-02-28
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