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手話を併用する聾学校小学部の児童を対象に,国語科の学習における教員と各児童のコミュニケーション過程を観察し,その学習プロセスを分析した。その結果,以下のことが示された。1)授業展開では教科書だけでなく,手話ビデオ,リライトなどの教材を使用し,日本語文の読解に向けた配慮がなされていた。2)教員は,「発問」,「指示」,「説明」を中心に授業を展開し,児童の発表等を「繰り返し」ながら「確認」を促す授業を行っていることが明らかになった。また,教員の「発問」は,より質の高い「発問」へと変化していった。3)教員は,「手話」だけでなく「身振り・動作」も行いながら,授業を進めていた。4)教員は,導入時には日本手話から内容理解を促進し,「展開①」,「展開②」と進むにつれ,日本語としての意味内容の理解を促すために日本語対応手話を活用していることが明らかになった。The object of this research was elementary school pupils and teacher in the school for the deaf which Sign language is used. Teacher and pupil's communications processes in the class of Japanese were analyzed. As a result, the following were shown. In the class, the video which had been translated into Sign language and the rewrite sentence were used, and it was considered to urge the understanding of Japanese. The teacher was making "Asked a question", "Instruction", and "Explanation" more in the class. And, the teacher was confirming the understanding of the pupils, repeating the announcement of them. Moreover, teacher's "Ask a question" has changed into more higher-order "Ask a question". The teacher was teaching while using not only "Sign language" but also "Gesture and operation". The teacher was explaning to the pupils by using Sign language in the beginning. Afterwards, the teacher was explaining by using Japanese to urge the understanding of the content on the pupils.
- 2007-12-25