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過去6回にわたり、「治療」と「教育」という2つのアプローチの比較検討を通して、障害児教育の在り方について論考を試みてきた。第1回(守屋,1990)は、cureとcareの検討を通して、障害児教育の本質はまなざしを向けることにある、との結論に到達できた。第2回(守屋,1993)は、学習的観点と発達的観点を比較検討し、障害児教育における観点の重要性を明らかにした。第3回(守屋,1998)は、附属養護学校での校長体験を踏まえて、障害児教育の諸形態について検討した。第4回(守屋,2000)は、農業を基盤とした知的障害者の生活施設創りの過程で気付いたことを中心に、障害児教育の諸問題について検討した。第5回(守屋,2003)と第6回(守屋,2004b)は、自我発達を重視した障害児教育の在り方について検討した。今回も、自我発達を重視した障害児教育の在り方について更に論考を進めてみた。すなわち、(1)人間の独自性と自我、(2)人間のロボット化、(3)社会の堤防化、(4)子どもの大人化、について検討し、豊かな貧しさと貧しい豊かさについても言及した。The ideal way of special education was considered in the previous papers. In the first (Moriya, 1990), it was done by comparing two approaches: remedial and educational, with special reference to cure and care. In the second (Moriya, 1993), the useful viewpoint was considered by comparing two viewpoints: learning and development. The developmental viewpoint seemed to be more important to special education. In the third (Moriya, 1998), the same conclusion was drawn from the author's own experiences as the school master at the School for the Intellectually Disabled. In the fourth (Moriya, 2000), the important factors were considered by comparing two social systems: industrial and agricultural. In the fifth (Moriya, 2003), the important aspects of personality were considered by comparing two types of education: abilities-centered and ego-centered. In the sixth (Moriya, 2004b), the ideal relationship between teachers and children was considered by focusing attention on ego development as a frame of reference. This paper aimed at considering the ideal social environment for special education. The recent trends of our society, such as human robotization, social embankment and child adultification, seemed to disturb the development of children, especially their ego development.
- 2005-12-25
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