高機能広汎性発達障害児への遊戯療法過程 : 絵画の変化と対決遊びを通じて
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近年自閉性障害児への遊戯療法が見直されてきている。これは知的障害を伴わない自閉症者を中心に多くの自伝が発行されるようになった結果,彼らが生きている世界がいかに複雑なものであるかが垣間見ることができるようになり,彼らが感じがちな脅迫的世界から彼らを救う一方法として,遊戯療法が挙げられたからだ。そこで今回,著者が治療者となり非指示的プレイセラピーを行なった高機能自閉症児への治療過程での変化を,セラピストとクライエントの対決をテーマに,自我境界の成立と主体性の確立を臨床心理学的観点から若干の考察を交えながら報告をする。Recently play therapy for autistic children is reconsidered. Many autographies of autistics without mental retardation are published. According to these reports we can see a little of their complex world in which they live. Play therapy is thought to be a method by which we can save them from their threatened world. This is a Study of Play Therapy for Pervasive Developmental Disorders based on the confrontation between the therapist and the client. Its focus was on a few things that the client painted. The client acquired a forwardness by capacious Play Therapy. And client's pictures changed from chaos to integration. From now on his task is self-help group for Pervasive Developmental Disorders
- 2004-12-25
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