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柏原市障害者福祉計画を策定するための基礎調査の一環として、柏原市在住の障害者の家族・介助者を対象に行なわれた意識調査の結果(守屋,1995)に基づき、障害者介助の現状について検討を試みた。19~89歳の家族・介助者510名(障害者本人の年齢は2~93歳)の調査結果からは、介助者の5割が配偶者、2割が母親、2割弱が子どもであり、被介助者の加齢につれて、母親から、配偶者、子どもやその他の人へと介助者が順次替わっていく様子が窺われた。介助を要する者の比率は、外出で60.5%、移動で45.5%、入浴で39.0%、着脱衣で37.1%、食事で32.2%、排泄で30.2%、その他で32.6%であり、年齢と障害による差が見られた。介助で困っていることがある者は4割強であり、その内容は、精神的に疲れるが最も多く、次いで身体的に疲れるであった。他者からの支援を希望している者は3割で、被介助者が若年層では外出の介助と話し相手、中年層では家事の支援、老年層では外出や移動や入浴などの介助面での支援を希望する比率が高かった。The purpose of this paper was to clarify the actual state of the care for people with handicaps. A total of 510 subjects, living in Kashiwara City, Osaka, with an age range of nineteen to eighty-nine years old, answered the questionnaire concerning the present state of lives of people with handicaps who are their family or to whom they are providing daily help. The results showed the following tendencies. (1) About half of the people with handicaps are given care for their daily activities by their mothers, nearly twelve percent by their husbands or wives, and a little less than twenty percent by their children. Their caregiving persons tend to change from their mothers to their children through their husbands or wives with their aging. (2) The ratio of those who need to be helped is 60.5% for going out, 45.5% for walking, 39.0% for bathing, 37.1% for changing clothes, 32.2% for eating, 30.2% for defecation, and 32.6% for other daily activities. (3) The main problem facing the caregiving persons is their mental and physical fatigue caused by their daily care activities. About thirty percent of them want to be assisted in their care activities. Which activities they want to be assisted seem to differ mainly according to the age level of the people with hadicaps whom they provide daily care for.
- 1996-03-23
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