幼児の咀嚼について : 構音明瞭度との関係
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咀嚼に必要な口腔運動機能は、話しことばの前段階を為している。しかしながら、この観点から、幼児の咀嚼について研究したものは、今までのところ見られていない。そこで今回、保育所に通所する2~5歳児クラスの健常幼児134名を対象に、Chewing Cycles検査と構音検査を実施し、幼児の咀嚼の評価方法・咀嚼の発達・咀嚼と構音明瞭度の関係について検討した。その結果、Chewing Cycles検査は、咀嚼の遂行を説明するのに簡便な方法であること、4~5歳に咀嚼の発達の年令変化があること、構音が明瞭な幼児と不明瞭な幼児のChewing Cyclesの差は、食品強度の高さと関係があることが見出された。The present study was designed to investigate mastication in childhood, especially from the point of view of sound intelligibility. One hundred and thirty-four children were chosen as subjects from the three nursery schools in Takarazuka-City. The methods used for an assessment of mastication was "Chewing Cycles" by Gisel et al. (1984a, b, 1986). And also 134 children's articulatory abilities were appraised. The results were as follows: 1) "Chewing Cycles" was a useful method to appraise mastication in childhood. 2) "Chewing Cycles" showed a developmental change from 4- to 5- Year-Old. 3) "Chewing Cycles" had relation to sound intelligibility when solid food was given.
- 1988-03-15
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