障害児の予後に関する基礎的研究(II) : 言語障害児の発達リズムに関する予備的研究
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障害児の予後に関する基礎研究の一環として、今回は、追跡研究に着手するのに先立つ予備的研究として、小学校のことばの教室の指導記録を基に、言語障害児の変化を発達リズムという点でどこまで捉え得るものなのか、その可能性の有無について検討した。すなわち、吃音、全般的な発達の遅れによる言語発達遅滞、情緒面の障害による言語発達遅滞、口蓋裂のそれぞれの言語障害のタイプごとに各1名の子どもの2~3年間の指導記録(口蓋裂の子どもは3歳代から、他の子どもは6歳代から)を資料として分析し、行動面と言語面の変化にリズム性が認められるかどうかについて検討した。資料の性格上厳密な検討はできなかったものの、発達の遅れの子どもの場合を除いてリズム性が窺われ、また、言語障害のタイプによるリズム性の差の存在の可能性も推測され、リズム性の点からの言語障害児の追跡研究の可能性が示唆された。As a pilot study prior to a follow-up study, this study aimed at exploring the effectiveness of the "developmental rhythms" of the speech and language disordered children in their behavioral and verbal development. Four children were selected out of 77 speech and language disordered children in a speech class of an elementary school. The recorded reports containing their progress of speech therapy during the speech training and free play situation taken once a week by their speech teachers were transcribed and analyzed in terms of "rhythms". Each child had the following speech and language disorder : stuttering, speech delay from general developmental delay, speech delay with emotional disturbance, and cleft palate, respectively. The results slightly showed some rhythmical change in their behavior and speech and language with the exception of the case with speech delay from general developmental delay. This fact seemed to permit us to infer the possibility that there was the disorder type difference as well as individual difference on the rhythmical changes. Thus, the results of this study seemed to suggest the possibility of follow up study on the speech and language disordered children in terms of the developmental rhythms.
- 1983-03-31
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