Radiation use efficiency, N accumulation and biomass production of high-yielding rice in aerobic culture
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The concept of aerobic culture is to save water resource while maintaining high productivity in irrigated rice ecosystem. This study compared nitrogen (N) accumulation and radiation use efficiency (RUE) in the biomass production of rice crops in aerobic and flooded cultures. The total water input was 800–1300 mm and 1500–3500 mm in aerobic culture and flooded culture, respectively, and four high-yielding rice cultivars were grown with a high rate of N application (180 kg N ha−1) at two sites (Tokyo and Osaka) in Japan in 2007 and 2008. The aboveground biomass and N accumulation at maturity were significantly higher in aerobic culture (17.2–18.5 t ha−1 and 194–233 kg N ha−1, respectively) than in flooded culture (14.7–15.8 t ha−1 and 142–173 kg N ha−1) except in Tokyo in 2007, where the surface soil moisture content frequently declined. The crop maintained higher N uptake in aerobic culture than in flooded culture, because in aerobic culture there was a higher N accumulation rate in the reproductive stage. RUE in aerobic culture was comparable to, or higher than, that in flooded culture (1.27–1.50 g MJ−1 vs. 1.20–1.37 g MJ−1), except in Tokyo in 2007 (1.30 g MJ−1 vs. 1.37 g MJ−1). These results suggest that higher biomass production in aerobic culture was attributable to greater N accumulation, leading to higher N concentration (N%) than in flooded culture. Cultivar differences in response to water regimes were thought to reflect differences in mainly (1) early vigor and RUE under temporary declines in soil moisture in aerobic culture and (2) the ability to maintain high N% in flooded culture.
- 2010-05-08
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