太陽紅炎のHα線の輝線スペクトルに現われたself-reversal及びflat topに就いて
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From the Hα emission line spectra of solar promineces observed by the solar telescope of the Kwasan Observatory, we investigated their self-reversal and flat top. From this investigation the followings are concluded : (1) Self-reversal and flat top are independent of central intensity. (2) At ⊿λ1/2<0.72Ǻ the profiles are almost Gaussian. Therefore, at ⊿λ/2> 0.72Ǻ, the profiles show flat top, and at ⊿λ1/2>0.85Ǻ, some of profiles are selfreversed.
- 1968-02-29
論文 | ランダム
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