江戸時代の唐辛子 -日本の食文化における外食食材の受容-
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The purpose of this work is to explore how to accept foreign food in Japantaking red pepper for example.In Chapter 1, we explained the origin, introduction, type of red pepper andso on. In addition, we described how red pepper is used in other countries.The reasons why red pepper became popular as follows: 1) People adaptedred pepper as medicine. 2) The cultivation of the red pepper is easy. 3) Redpepper took the place of expensive pepper. 4) European use red pepper asan art. As for the people of Korea who use a lot of red peppers, they haveadapted red pepper to fermented foods like bean paste and salted fishentrails.In Chapter 2, we described how the Edo masses used red pepper byutilizing books Honzo.gaku (a traditional Chinese medicine) and literaryworks and customs magazines. At the beginning, Japanese also used redpepper as medicine. Afterwards, Shichimi to.garashi (that is a combination ofseven spices including red pepper) produced in 1625 and red pepper becamepopular among the Edo masses.In Chapter 3, we examined how the Edo masses used red pepper byutilizing cooking books from the Edo period. As a result, we revealed somespecific characteristics of red pepper in Japan cuisine. 1) People used notonly raw red pepper but also processed red pepper. By this reason,red pepper became full of variety to cooking. 2) Ao-to.garashi(color of thered pepper is not red but green) was reported as a summer vegetable. So wesaw that red pepper has sense of the season. 3) Red pepper combined withoriginal foods like a bean paste and soy sauce. Above all, the combination ofred pepper and bean paste is similar to Korean cuisine. we showed that howto accept red pepper have much to do with fermented foods.Thus, we considered how to accept foreign food taking red pepper forexample. People adapted red pepper to the cultural climate of each region.In Japan, the people emphasized that Japanese cuisine brings out the flavorof seasonal ingredients and this is the essential of how to accept foreignfood. However, people have adopted a new way of accepting of red pepper bythe spread of the Chinese cuisine and Korean food. From now on, we wouldlike to investigate how red pepper will be used with the globalization.
- 2010-03-18
論文 | ランダム
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