実践の省察に関する一考察 : 社会教育・生涯学習実践研究方法論の確立に向けて
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The purpose of this study is to identify a new approach to Community and Adult Education and Life-long Learning research. I suggest that the reflective practice should be a new approach. It is not from theory to theory, put theory into practice or put practice into theory but from practice to practice. To clarify, first of all, look at the problem of the conventional research approach. It is shown three problems: the flame of research, the lack of learner's learning process, the relationship between learner and researcher. To attempt to improve them, next, describe the details of Donald A. Schön's “_e Reflective Practitioner” that has a great influence on this fields. Finally, consider the significance and questions of the reflective practice. In conclusion, I show the following points about effect of the reflective practice. 1stly Learner and Researcher can keep learning and growing, namely, it is a continuing process of self-education. 2ndly Researcher can be in contact with learner endless. 3rdly, It can be make Institutions for reflective practice, in other words, it will the key concept to expand the organizational learning. At the end of this study, as I left some problems, I need to keep practicing and researching for further discussion and subsequent development.
- 2010-03-31
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