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本稿は「姉小路式」の写本である「手耳葉口伝」をもとに,第五,第六の巻に当たる「か」と「かは」の巻を考察するものである中世に入って,テニヲハ意識が一層高まり,詠歌する際に個々のテニヲハの用法を説く専門書が現れ始めた.とりわけ,それを代表するものとLて「姉小路式」と呼ばれる一群の写本が挙げられる.この書には「ぞ」「こそ」「や」「か」といった係助詞に対する高い関心が認められる.本稿では「姉小路式」の著者による「か」「かは」の記述を解説した後,それを「や」や「ぞ」「こそ」の区分と比較した.その結果,「か」と「や」について,著者は両者をともに「疑ひ」の表現と認識したのみで,近世のように両者を区別する捉え方は見られなかった.また,「ぞ」「こそ」が係り結びの視点から促えられているのに対し,「か」と「や」は疑問表現として区分されている.こうした相違について従来の研究では,「姉小路式」に先行する最初のテニヲハ秘伝書『手爾葉大概抄』の影響によるとされている.しかし,本稿で見る通り,爺者は初期の連歌論者がテニヲハ論に及ぼした影響をも考え合わせなければならないと主張する.This essay is an examination of the fifth and sixth "KA" and "KAWA" fascicles of the "TENIHAKUDEN" manuscript of the ANEGAKOUJISHIKI. On entering the Middle Ages, awareness of TENIWOHA grew, and experts on the usage of TENIWOHA constructions for reciting WAKA began to appear. The collected ANEGAKOUJISHIKI is particularly representative of this trend. This work, focuses on the connective particles "ZO", "KOSO", "YA", and "KA". In this paper, the definitions of "KA" and "KAWA" given by the author of the ANEGAKOUJISHIKI are examined, and these definitions are contrasted with those of "YA" "ZO" "KOSO", and others. The author takes both "KA" and "YA" to be expressions of "UTAGAI" only, and the modern-day distinction is not seen. What is more, "ZO" and "KOSO" are taken as dependent connectives, as opposed to "KA" and "YA" which are classified as interrogatives. In the literature, this kind of difference is said to be due to the influence of the first esoteric TENIWOHA collection of selections from the ANEGAKOUJISIKI : the TENIHATAIGAISHOU. However, it is argued in this essay that the fact that early RENGA manuals were influenced by TENIWOHA thought must also be taken into account.
- 2009-12-20
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