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雑誌掲載版A seven-month-old baby, who had been suffering from atopic dermatitis, died of sepsis. His parents did not put him under medical treatment because of the religious faith of the group, Seimei-kyo where they belong. They were arrested due to medical neglect. In this paper, we aim to clarify the religious teachings that they believed in and consider the reason why they did not take their baby to the hospital. According to the religious teachings by Seimei-kyo, the spiritual healing called “Johrei no waza”, which is like a therapeutic touch, is believed to heal the sick without medications. Using medications are believed to have negative effects on their body. Katsumi Takizawa, philosopher and theologist, did receive this spiritual healing and his age-related macular degeneration was almost cured. Because of this, he examined the teachings of the religion and he found out that these religious teachings provide important ideas on the role of spiritual healings in religion. However, at the same time, they got confused between the absolute relationship of God to man and the relative relationship of the mind/spirit to body. This confusion led to absolute reliance on their spiritual healing, “Johrei no waza” and the believers are likely to reject medical treatments. It is easy for us to scoff off the parents and the religious teachings, but in order to avoid this miserable affair/event from happening again, we need to reflect deeply on the religious teachings that they have. We should also reflect on how the religion and medicine should be related to each other to improve the well-being of people.
論文 | ランダム
- 演出意図の衝突と調和--松竹「ヴェニスの商人」,流山児・事務所「悪漢リチャ-ド」,昴「熱いトタン屋根の上の猫」,木山事務所「私の下町--母の写真」,花企画「相沢三郎の世界」,黒テント「窓際のセロ弾きのゴ-シュ」 (劇評)
- 芝居の神髄は「語り」にあり--パルコ「ゴ-ルド家のたそがれ」,文化座「サンダカン八番娼館」,四季「ジ-ザス・クライスト=ス-パ-スタ-」,東京サンシャイン・ボ-イズ「ショウ・マスト・ゴ-・オン」,自転車キンクリ-ツ「トランクス」,黒テント「あちゃらか商人」 (劇評)
- 脚本,そして演出の構図--黒テント「窓ぎわのセロ弾きのゴ-シュ」・パルコ「危険な関係」・ア-トスフィア「香港ラプソディ-」 (劇評)
- なぜ昭和と訣別しないのか--みなと座「お侠(きゃん)」,黒テント「荷風のオペラ」 (劇評)
- 死と再生--「佐藤信の作・演出のもとに,演劇センター68/71移動劇場黒テントグループによって上演された鼠小僧次郎吉の夢と現実」にかんする断片的試論