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弥生社会ではガラス製品は装飾品としての用途以上に、政治的意味合いを伴う威儀品として私用されたため、その研究は弥生社会の分析へとつながるものである。一方ガラス素材は基本的に全て搬入品であり、当時アジアにおいて奢侈品として広く流通していたものであった。ガラスは当時の国際的な交流についての手掛かりを与えてくれる遺物でもある。本項では弥生時代のガラス製品の中でガラス釧を取り上げて詳細な検討を行った。まず出土した釧を各々細かく観察した後、西谷タイプと南大風呂タイプの大きく2タイプに分けた。さらに製作地を検討するために弥生時代の銅釧と比較を行い、国内でその形状の系譜を追うことが可能かを考察した。結果どちらのタイプも国内における系譜は存在せず、搬入品であることが明確となった。次に釧を出土した各墳墓の特徴や釧の出土状況などを検討し、副葬品としてのガラス釧の入手経路やその服装された背景を考察した。結果それぞれの地域の中で、独自の価値を持って副葬された状況が垣間見えるものとなった。特に出雲・丹後地域のガラス釧が副葬された主張の傑出性が高く、当該地域におけるガラス釧の威儀品としての重要性の高さや、各首長が独自に列島外から入手した可能性が推測された。また西谷タイプのガラス釧は釧として副葬された状況が伺える一方で、大風呂南の釧は中国の「佩玉」的な意図をもって副葬された可能性が浮上し、丹後地域の独自性、大陸との関係性の深さがより抽出される結果となった。今後の課題はこれらのガラス釧の製作地と古代アジアにおける流通経路の検討である。In Yayoi Societies, glass artifacts were used as prestige goods in political contexts rather than just as ornaments. This study examines glass artifacts to approach Yayoi societies. All the raw materials of glass artifacts were imported from abroad, and widely distributed through trade in Asia as luxury goods at that time. This allows us to understand international exchange by examining glass artifacts. // This paper presents a detailed typological analysis of glass bracelets. Based on the observation of the glass bracelets, I fi rst classify them into two groups: Nishitani type and Oburo-minami type. Then I compare them with bronze bracelets of the Yayoi period to identify the production area of the glass bracelets. The results suggest that the both types were not produced in Japan, but were probably imported from abroad. Second, I examine the characteristics and contexts of each mound tomb, from which bracelets were excavated to discuss how the glass bracelets were imported and what sociopolitical background was relevant. // Consequently, this research suggests that the glass bracelets were buried with local value in each region. Especially in Izumo and Tango region, chiefs of the Yayoi period buried with glass bracelets were quite distinguished. The glass bracelets were important as prestige goods in these areas, and each chief possibly acquired them individually from abroad. Moreover, it seems that Nishitani type glass bracelets were buried as bracelets, while Oburo-minami type was buried with an intention to represent Chinese ornament set of jade. Based on these considerations, I conclude that Tango region was quite distinguished from the other areas in Yayoi period. The tight relationship between Tango region and abroad is emphasized. // Further research is necessary to identify the production areas and the distribution routes of the glass bracelets in ancient Asia.
- 2010-03-20