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The aim of this study is to explore the developmental trends observed in expression ability through dance, with special reference to the contents of the expression and movement rhythm. Ss were 793 elementary and junior high school pupils. The theme of the dance studied here was "wind", and, when they danced the "wind", we attempted to find out the developmental treds, if any, in the contents of their expression and in movement rhythm. Also, analysis was made about sex differences. Main findings obtained in this study were as follows: 1. Contents of the expression: Pupils of elementary and junior high school grasped kinds of the wind, scene, and a little bit of thought more and more clearly as grade level increased, though Ss in lower grades could grasp only vague contents, as to the sex differences, more vague contents were observed among boys than among girls, scene was found more in elementary-school girls and morein junior-high-school boys. Junior-highschool boys showed more imaginative, experiential, and descriptive contents, but girls did more internal contents and grasped more various kinds of winds. In short, contents of the expression seemed to develop, from simplicity to complexity, from partial to whole grasp, from concrete to abstract grasp. 2. Movement rhythm: Movement rhythm patterns tended to appear significantly more in girls than in boys (P<.01), and, significantly more in elementary school pupils than in junior-high-school pupils (P<.05). In regard to contents of the movement rhythm pattern, there was a tendency to develop from a simple metronomic rhythm patteern to a single rhythm pattern, and further to a complex compound rhythm pattern (P<.001). Further analysis revealed the developmental trend for an inperfect rhythm pattern structurally to develop into a structurally perfect pattern.
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