教師バーンアウトの因子構造に関する検討 : 日本語版Maslach Burnout Inventoryを用いて
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The purpose of this study was to examine the factor-structure of teachers' burnout using the Japanese language version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory with exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The participants in the survey were 247 teachers (male = 100, female = 147). Exploratory factor analysis of the MBI indicated that items high loaded 'emotional exhaustion' were factored in a 2 factor-structure. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the three-factor model with three inter-correlated factors provided a fit superior to other models. However, the model fit indices were not sufficiently high. An extremely strong correlation was also observed between 'emotional exhaustion' and 'depersonalization.' Some implications for future research on teachers' burnout are discussed.
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