大学生の学習行動の大学間比較 : 授業の効果に着目して
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The quality in higher education is big issue in Japan. The trend toward universal access, the diversity within the students in readiness and motivation for learning is increasing. Universities are required to response these changes and improve the quality of education. This paper aims to figure out how undergraduate students are leaning at the university and how this process is different among institutions through an empirical analysis of survey data and discuss what the universities should do for this issue. // On the basis of a student survey, this paper examines the following three points as research issues: 1) How the undergraduate students spend their time and how the leaning behavior is different by institutions? 2) How the college education makes an impact on this process? Especially how the different modes of teaching make an impact on student learning ? 3) How the structure of teaching and learning process differs among institutions ? // The main findings are as follows: 1) The variability across institutions is significant. 2) The variability across the institutions is affected by different mode of teaching. For example, the time spent on studying is closely related to frequent quiz/papers and substantive comments on paper. These types of teaching are time-consuming and tough but also effective. 3) The structure of the variability within the institutions differs among institutions. That is, there is no single wild card to improve the quality of teaching.
- 2010-03-10
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