地域在住高齢者に対するトレーニングが運動機能に及ぼす影響 : 筋力トレーニングと複合トレーニングとの効果の違いについて
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The effects of multicomponent training and resistance training on physical functions of community-dwelling older adults were investigated. The subjects comprised 35 elderly aged 69.9±4.1 years, who were assigned to either the resistance training group (n=16) or the multicomponent training group (n=19). Once weekly training with each session for about 40 minutes for 10 weeks was performed. Physical assessments were tested using the following measures ; muscle strength (quadriceps strength and grip strength), balance test(functional reach, one-legged stance test, and TUG), flexibility test (sit and reach test), agility test (stepping test), muscle power (chair stand test), and mobility (maximum walking speed). After training, only quadriceps strength significantly improved from 1.18 Nm/kg to 1.30 Nm/kg in the resistance training group. The significant increase in quadriceps strength, functional reach, TUG, stepping test, chair stand test, and maximum walking speed were observed in the multicomponent training group. These results suggest that multicomponent exercise programs include resistance, balance and power training components for older adults may be more effective for increasing functional fitness than programs that involve only resistance training component.
- 2010-03-31
論文 | ランダム
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