箱庭制作という場の特徴に関する一考察 : 2つの場をめぐる作り手の体験に着目して
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As Ito(2007) states that it is important for sandplay therapy to have a double structure of the session room and the sand tray, the field of a sandplay session is unique, and it is thought to lead to a therapeutic function. In this paper I asked 20 survey contributors to make sandplay works and analyzed their experiences based on KJ method. As a result it was found that they moved again and again between the field of a sand tray and the field of a session room. Four types were then found concerning the aspects of two fields. These four were examined, and each of them was described as a matter of subject. We examined how a subject was produced in the two fields. In conclusion, it was suggested that when a person moves two fields, his subject is shaken and leads to be reproduced. However, it also suggested that it is attended by some risks.
- 2010-03-31
論文 | ランダム
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