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秩父演習林では,20 年生未満の若齢人工林にもクマ剥ぎが発生し始めている。本研究は,ヒノキ19 年生29 林班い4小班におけるクマ剥ぎ発生率,発生経過,分布,被害木の相対的な太さを把握するために行った。小班の全立木は6752 本,2008 年までのクマ剥ぎ発生率は9.9%だった。その内2006 年のクマ剥ぎ発生率は,6.7%と推定した。秩父演習林の人工林での調査結果の中で,29 林班い4小班のクマ剥ぎ発生率は,中程度であった。小班内の0.79ha について,5m四方の小区画を設置し,全木の胸高直径を測定し,測量して位置図を作成した。クマ剥ぎ発生木はランダム分布しており,クマ剥ぎ発生木の平均胸高直径は無被害木の平均胸高直径よりも大きかったものの有意差がなかった。小区画のクマ剥ぎ発生率は,発生木の平均胸高直径と正の相関があった。クマ剥ぎは,胸高直径が大きい木に発生する傾向があったが,い4小班は若齢林で,植栽木間の成長の差が未だ小さいために,クマ剥ぎ発生木はランダム分布で,太さに有意な差が現れなかったと推定される。In the University Forest in Chichibu, bark stripping by bears has even been observed in artificial forest stands younger than 20 years old. In this study I investigated the occurrence, distribution and width of damage of bear bark stripped trees in a 19 years old Japanese cypress stand in the "29 i 4" compartment. 9.9% of 6752 cypress trees were stripped, of which 6.7% were estimated to have been damaged in 2006. This was around the average for stands in the University Forest in Chichibu. In a 0.79ha area, I surveyed the location and dbh of the trees. I sectioned the area with 5m x 5m squares and analyzed the distribution and dbh patterns. Bear bark stripped trees were distributed randomly. The average dbh of bear bark stripped trees was greater than the dbh of undamaged trees, but the difference was not significant. The degree of bear bark stripping was positively related to the average dbh of damaged trees. I found trees with greater diameters were likely attacked by bears, but I thought the attacked trees were distributed randomly and the average dbh was not significantly greater, because the trees were young and there was less difference among the trees in this forest compartment.
- 2010-03-25
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