Nonlinear evolution of electromagnetic waves driven by the relativistic ring distribution
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Relativistic ring distribution of plasma particles generates electromagnetic waves via the relativisticcyclotron resonance. The long time evolution of this so-called cyclotron maser instability at nullwave number (k50) is studied in detail, by performing particle simulations using a plasma whichconsists of relativistic ring electrons, background positrons, and background electrons. The linearand nonlinear stages of the system evolution are discussed for both gyrotropic and nongyrotropicring distributions. The linear theory predicts that, when the initial ring energy is strongly relativistic,there appears a critical initial ring momentum at which the system is marginally stable. Numericalsimulations show, however, that the system is nonlinearly unstable even when the initial ringmomentum exceeds the critical momentum. The final saturation level of the wave energy is obtainedanalytically.
論文 | ランダム
- 都市水害論(5)-明治時代以降の災害(1)-
- 都市水害論(4)-江戸時代の災害(つづき)と災害による社会変動モデル-
- エスチャリ-における長周期波の数値計算-田辺湾の潮流・吹送流シミュレ-ション-
- 岸本兆方教授の御退官によせて
- 防災問題における資料解析研究(18)