ウォルター・ワイルの『ニュー・デモクラシー』とその時代 : 近年の合衆国における革新主義の復権をうけて(小西中和教授退職記念論文集)
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The Obama presidency seems to show us a certain return of progressivismin the United States of America. This return has been prepared bya set of political figures and public intellectuals including Hilary Clinton, Secretary of State who proclaimed in 2007 that she considered herself amodern progressive. So the point we could realize when thinking of thecurrent political scene of America is that American progressivism is still alive and that if we hope to understand the liberal and experimental charactersthe political process of United States has had since long before weare led to ponder over the historical origin of American progressivismfounded by presidents such as Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilsonand intellectuals which included John Dewey, Herbert Croly, and Walter Lippmann. In this paper I focus historically on Walter Weyl, the co-founder ofNew Republic and the author of several books one of which is The NewDemocracy: An Essay on Certain Political and Economic Tendencies inthe United States (1912). First, I depict succinctly the historical background of resurgence of progressivism in terms of the industrial and social change and summarize the evaluation of Roosevelt and Wilson madeby Croly and Lippmann in their books. Then, paying attention to his industrial program of the democracy to come I interpret Weyl’s progressivevision elaborated in The New Democracy. My argument is that his idea of the socialization of industry is a useful conception both for understandinghistorically one of theoretical potentiality of public policy in theUnited States and for envisioning the post-socialist regulation and planning the modern state in the rest of world could attempt experimentally.
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