「多様性」に開かれた共和国 : A.ルノーの応用政治哲学(小西中和教授退職記念論文集)
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The aim of this study is to analyze Alain Renaut’s philosophy of appliedpolitics and to examine the problems of a contemporary French Republic faced with the integration of immigrants. The general feature ofRenaut’s philosophy of applied politics is to develop John Rawls’ secondprinciple of justice and to apply it to the problems of the cultural rights of ethnic minorities in contemporary France. Moreover, he criticizes the Jacobinrepublicanism of R. Debray and others in France and the works ofJ.G.A Pocock and Q. Skinner in England, and proposes an alternative interpretation of the history of republican thought. In addition, he pursuesthe possibility of reforming French republicanism from the standpoint ofpolitical liberalism. Through this study of the recent works of A. Renaut, both the future direction and the possibility of reforming the French republican model will be considered.
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