価値教育におけるアイデンティティの問題 : プラグマティズムにおけるナショナルなものとインターナショナルなもの
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In pluralistic and globalized society, education today is no longer expected to fulfill its conventional role of imposing an existing value system. Ironically, however, this change has increased the importance of value education. Throughout its modern history, value education has often sought to advance a nationalistic agenda. As this agenda was largely discredited after World War II, value education has since sought to reconcile the international and the national, yet largely failed to strike a viable balance between the opposites. This paper reviews key concepts of pragmatist thinkers such as William James, George Herbert Mead and Richard Rorty and aims to reconcile the national and the international in value education from a pragmatic standpoint.
- 2009-03-31