ワイン粕給与が肥育豚の排せつ物の性状, 臭気および微生物菌叢に及ぼす影響
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The purpose of the current experiments was to utilized the left behind materials of wine industry in Miyazaki prefecture as supplemental feed for fattening pigs. The physiochemical, odor and microflora of faeces collected from fattening pigs fed diet contains 5% of wine residue were investigated. As a result, the moisture of the faeces at 3 weeks was significantly increased (P < 0.05) which perhaps reduces the possibility of animal constipation. The diet contained 5% wine residue had no effect on the levels of organic matter, ash, pH, electric conductivity (EC) and odor of faeces. The ammonia level of blood and the urine at 3 weeks were reduced significantly (P < 0.05). In addition, the ammonia nitrogen of the excrement also was insignificantly lower than that found in control group. It suggests that the protein of diet was absorbed by the pigs and the diet intake was improved. The microbial content of Enterobacteriaceae was slightly decreased and noxious bacteria were not detected as the wine contains considerable amount of poly-phenols. From a bio-recycle point of view, this research suggests that wine industry residues could be used as forage for animals otherwise would be considered as litters and food-related harassment factor of environment. Results suggest that wine residues may play vital roles in the pig diet and could be utilized as commercial supplemental feed for animals in Japan. 本研究では, 家畜飼料としてのワイン粕の有効利用の可能性について検討するために, 5%のワイン粕乾燥粉末添加飼料を給与し, 肥育豚の排せつ物の性状及び臭気に及ぼす影響について調査した. その結果, ふんの水分は試験区が3週後で有意に高く(P<0.05), 出荷前で高い傾向を示した.ふんの有機物割合, 灰分割合, pH, EC, 悪臭物質濃度および臭気指数には顕著な差異は認められなかった. 尿中窒素濃度は, 試験区が3週後で有意に低く(P<0.05), 出荷前で低い傾向を示した.ふん尿混合物の揮散アンモニア性窒素量も試験区がやや低い数値を示した. また, 腸内細菌叢の測定ではEnterobacteriaceaeは試験区で対照区に比べ低い値を示し, 有害菌は検出されなかった. 以上の結果より, バイオリサイクル研究の観点からワイン粕は家畜用の飼料として有効利用できる可能性が示唆され, ワイン粕給与は肥育豚の体内外環境の改善に貢献できる可能性が示唆された.
- 2010-02-28
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