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イネ白葉枯病抵抗性遺伝子Xa4とイネ品種分化に関連する特性との連鎖関係を解析することを主目的とした. そのため, イネ白葉枯病抵抗性遺伝子Xa4を持つインド型イネ品種「IR36」とイネ白葉枯病感受性日本型品種「コシヒカリ」との交配から得られたF2およびF3雑種を供試し, 個体ないし系統の形質分離を調査した. イネ白葉枯病菌日本産レースII(T7174) の剪葉接種検定において,F3系統(「コシヒカリ」/「IR36」) は44RR(抵抗性ホモ) 系統, 46SS(感受性ホモ) 系統および129RS(ヘテロ) 系統に分離し, 抵抗性は1遺伝子(Xa4)支配であることを確認した. このF3系統における白葉枯病抵抗性の分離から, F2個体をそれぞれRR個体, RS個体, SS個体に分類し, 各個体群ごとに形質を解析した. 籾長, 籾幅, 籾厚および籾長/幅比においては, RR個体群はSS個体群より長粒に偏る傾向にあったが, 籾幅および籾厚には違いがなかった. また, RR個体群とSS個体群はフェノール反応およびふ毛長の分布に差異はないが, RR個体群はSS個体群より塩素酸カリウム抵抗性が強いスコアに偏る傾向があった. Z値は, 全体がプラスに偏り, SS個体群はRR個体群よりされにプラス値に偏る傾向があった. また,Z値の頻度は正規分布をしていた. これらのことから, 白葉枯病抵抗性遺伝子Xa4 は長粒および晩生遺伝子と連鎖関係にあることが示唆された.In order to study the relationship between varicty diffcrentiation in rice and resistance gene, Xa4, to bacterial blight (BB), the F2, plants and F3 lines from the cross between IR36 harboring Xa4 and Koshihikari were analyzed the characters related with variety differentiation of rice. Based on the inoculation tests with Japane e race II (T7147) the F3 lines (Ko hihikari X IR36) were grouped into 44 RR(homozygou resistant), 129 RS (heterozygote) and 46 SS (homozygous susceptible) line, respectively. The result of Chi-square test for the segregation ratio confirmed that the resistance of IR36 to BB was controlled by the one gene (Xa4). Bascd on the segregation of the inoculation tests for thc F3 lines the F2, plants were classified into th RR plants, or the RS plants or the SS plants respectively. The RR plant group tended toward long grain and fme grain a compared with the SS plants group, although grain width and thickness of RR plants group were similar to that of SS plant group. Phenol color reaction and apiculus hair length of RR plant group were similar to that of SS plant group, although RR plants group tended toward a higher potassium chlorate (KClO3) resistance as compared with SS plants group. Regarding the Z scores, almost of the F2, plants tended toward the positive score. The SS plant group tended toward the positive score further a compared with RR plants group. The Z scores of F2 populations showed a normal distribution. The RR plant group tended toward later heading date as compared with the SS plant group. From these results, it was concluded that the plant harboring Xa4 tended to have long and fine grains and later heading date.
- 2010-02-28
論文 | ランダム
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